“When one person mentors, two lives are changed.” --Kevin Sessums
What might happen if, starting this month, we each consider intentionally how we can change lives, perhaps even our own, through mentoring?
As we talk with KARL Fellows and discuss experiences, we often hear how “life-changing” participation in the Program was, and STILL IS for many of us. In fact, feedback from KARL Fellows often serves as a catapult that influences advances to our curriculum. Experiences, good and bad, are something we learn from. By helping each other through events and situations, we have much to gain that helps us all be better once we reach that other side, wherever it might be or however rocky the road is or whatever mountains there are to climb.
The relationships we hear about that are formed through KARL Class bonds might just be mentoring. Mentorship comes in all shapes and sizes. Some may come as phone conversations and casual discussions. Some may be direct and formal. Many of us may not even know we are mentoring. Often, we hear about influences that occur both randomly and are shaped over time as we break bread together or share a cold drink.
Given current circumstances with whatever stage of a pandemic we may be in, thought processes and behaviors may be influenced by information, our core values, and whatever our circumstances may be. Some say our world is more divided than ever. It may be hard to know what is true and what is false, fact from fiction.
Early on with Covid-19, we challenged KARL Fellows to stay connected. Now, let’s invest in each other through mentoring. Maybe you already do. A push in the right direction might make all the difference.
Sincerely, The KARL Team, Janice, Jill, Susan
"If not me, who? If not now, when?" --unknown
Genesis 2.0, a new seminar for KARL Class XV in the Flint Hills, brought a unique blend of agriculture, ruralpreneurship, and bridging the gap between year one and year two of the KARL Program. It was a great couple of days of inspiring stories, grit, and resiliency. Thanks to our gracious hosts in Council Grove, Kansas.
KARL is pleased to announce this inaugural Gun Raffle! This is an opportunity to win one of two quality fire arms while supporting a great cause. Winning raffle tickets will be drawn Tuesday, November 30, 2021 via Facebook Live Event.
Proceeds support Kansas Agriculture and Rural Leadership (KARL) Program and Class XV's continued journey!
Our annual sporting clay benefit is set for Saturday, October 9. What better opportunity and purpose than to come together and shoot clays, spend time with alumni and friends, while enjoying one of Kansas' internationally recognized sporting clay courses - Flint Oak in Fall River, KS!!
If you have any questions and/or comments about the benefit, please feel free to contact Jill Zimmerman at (620) 326-0369; Susan Sankey at (620) 278-6509; or Dewayne Rosson at (620) 252-8501 or karl@ksu.edu.
More details are available by clicking HERE.
The KARL program isn’t for everyone.
Amy Doane Downs, KS
Class XV Associate
Director of Communications & Development, Smith County Hospital
Until next time, be safe and stay connected. #BeLegendary Our Contact Information |