Domestic Study Tour – XVI

Marysville (KS), Lincoln (NE) & KC Federal Reserve

Megan Hobbs

Domestic Study Tour Day One
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Submitted by: Megan Hobbs

Landoll Corporation

Marysville City

Evening meal: Landoll Lanes

Andrea Dietel

Domestic Study Tour Day Two
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Submitted by: Andrea Dietel

Break out sessions

Josh Demers and Mike Young

Ben Williamson 



Marble Technologies 


Kevin Logan

Domestic Study Tour Day Three–KC Federal Reserve Bank
Friday, November 10, 2023
Submitted by: Kevin Logan

Morning-Mr. Ryan Engle served as Host for the Day.

8:00—Left Hotel for Federal Reserve Bank

8:30—Arrival at Fed. Reserve, Checked-In, and Proceeded to Presentation Hall on 2nd Floor

-Coffee, Juice, and Snacks were available while the class was able to informally visit with the day’s presentors.

9:00—Welcome by Jeffery Schmid: President and Chief Exec. Officer of the KC Fed. Reserve.

9:10–History of the Federal Reserve-Presented by Tim Todd, Exec. Writer and Historian.

(History and Structure of the Federal Reserve Bank)

-Established in 1913

-Tasked w/ providing Monetary Stability and Financial Stability

-Prior to the Federal Reserve

-The first US Central Bank was a 20 year charter shortly after the nation was founded

-This charter expired and during the War of 1812, the US did not have a central bank.

-The Second Central Bank was in existence from 1816-1833. Andrew Jackson doesn’t see the need for the bank and veto’s an attempt to extend its charter.

-Most of the 1800’s in the US were financially unstable.

-In 1907 JP Morgan began doing “Central Bank” things. In response to Morgan’s actions, the US Congress didn’t want one person to use their money to save the economy and earn that type of “influence.”

– A congressional action in 1913 created the Federal Reserve in 1913.

-The Federal Reserve Bank had 7 Governors. These governors serve staggered 14 yr. terms.

-There are 12 Federal Reserve Banks-Each with a Board of Directors.

-KC ended up w/ a Fed. Reserve Regional Bank due to the efforts of Jerome Thralls.

9:45 Ag Economy-Presented by Franciso Scott, Economist

-General Ag Outlook was discussed

-Kansas follows general US economy factors. No big outliers

-Covid-19 has elevated commodity prices

-KS commodity prices are still a little “artificially” high

-The US has overall Strong External markets, but China, Asia, and Mexico are challenging US grains in the Feed and Energy markets.

-KS follows trends in US Agricultural Expenses

-Both revenues and expenses have increased from 2019-2020.

-Carl, from Plains, asked, “What is the outlook on China?” Dr. Scott’s answer, “Main indicators point to small economic growth in China, this is concerning to the US, especially in our pork exports.”

-Ashley, from Waverly, asked, “Exports from the US have gone down, do we see partners of China furthering this?” Dr. Scott’s answer, “We are competitive in exports, but Brazil is cheaper in the markets. US prices are offset positively in bio-fuels industry.”

-Danielle, from Hays, asked, “What about net-worth; Good increase in capital to put into new production and machinery, but we have very high interest rates?” Dr. Scott’s answer, “Yes, farmers have built up capital, but there are pockets of stress across the region.”

-Ryan, from Madison, asked, Will real estate prices remain high or will they pull back with the continue high interest rates?” Dr. Scott’s answer, “I do not see land values going down.”

10:40 The Power of Community Banks-Presented by Joe Gruber, Exec. VP and Dir. of Research

– Banks are those with less than $10 Billion in Assets.

-Most banks, in fact 95% of banks, are Community Banks

-Banking Regulatory Frameworks really cut back on the number from banks during the 1980’s, from 15,000 to 4,500.

-Community Banks consist of approximately 95% of the total bank numbers, but hold only about 15% of the total assets.

-Community Banks are more flexible to address consumer needs as evidenced by the COVID-19 relief fund distributions to small businesses.

-Inflation is necessary for the nation’s growth, 2% is the target.

11:30 Lunch—Jeffery Schmid, President and CEO Joined us.

-He is a native Nebraskan

-Bachelors from University of Nebraska, Lincoln

– Master from Southern Methodist University

-Owns a small farm in Humbolt, NB; very down to earth person. Interesting point he made, he is the only “banker-by-training” who is the President and CEO of any of the nation’s Federal Reserve Banks. The rest are from other backgrounds.

-Was in his 10th week in current role during our visit.

-Work on a process called “FED NOW,” allowing payments to be made “any day, any hour, any time.”

12:15p Tour of the Fed. Reserve-by Volunteer Eric

-Information on the currency and coin display collection.

-Pointed out that $10 Million in $100’s weighs about 880 lbs.

-The KC Federal Reserve Processes between $104 Million and $208 Million/day.

1:05 Bus Departed for MHK

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