Genesis 2.0 (Day 1)
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Submitted by Sean Gatewood
KARL Class XV check-in at the Cottage House in Council Grove and prepared to load the Trail Trolley that took us out to Tiffany Cattle Co for the evening meal and program.
We met the Tiffany family and learned about Shawn and Shane’s background that led them to owning and operating their finishing yards located near Herington and Marquette and their grow yard at Allen.
The Tiffanys also discussed their interest in regenerative agriculture and focussing on farming with biology instead of chemistry–including incorporating goats in their operation.
The Tiffany family also shared the importance of getting involved and investing in your town. From investing in a grocery store, a rural telecommunications company and establishing an event venue, co-working space, and lodging, the Tiffany family stressed the importance of making investments locally.
The farm-to-table meal was organized by Morgan and Nicky Tiffany and displayed elements of The Territory Ballroom–an events venue project Nicky Tiffany has been working on.
Our evening program featured a presentation about the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility that is located in Manhattan, Kansas. Dr. Ken Burton (NBAF Coordinator) and Katie Pawlosky (Director of Communications) presented “NBAF: Protecting the Nation’s Food Supply & Public Health” and provided updates to the new facility including a photo tour of many of the building’s features.
KARL Class XV returned to The Cottage House in Council Grove via the Trail Trolley.
Genesis 2.0 (Day 2)
Friday, August 27, 2021
Submitted by Kayla Jarvis
KARL Class XV began their second day in Council Grove at Watts Coffee Co. The shop was filled with beautiful homemade metal art and gifts representing Kansas and Council Grove
The group moved along to KANVAS studio to start the morning with Talk5KARL. Each member was assigned ahead of time to come up with photos or slides that would update our classmates with what has been going on in each other’s lives the past 18 months since we had last met as a group.
The world may have felt like it had stopped for the past 18 months but it was clear the members of KARL Class XV did not. Weddings, babies, engagements, new jobs, new homes, vacations, quality family time, craft projects and new hobbies are just a small piece of what went on in the lives of our classmates.
The class was visited by the Mayor of Council Grove, Debi Schwerdtferger. She welcomed the class to Council Grove and updated us on what the town has been working towards for their growth. The city council has put in place new ordinances to keep the city growing. Council Grove has been focusing on the young people in the community and how to bring more back. In the last 4 years there have been 32 new ownerships on main street and 12 brand new businesses.
After we wrapped up the Talk5KARL the group moved to the Hays House for lunch. Which we
later learned was the 3rd oldest restaurant in the nation.
Before lunch Christy Davis gave the group an overview of the work she does in historical preservation. She described the Flint Hills as a cultural landscape and noted the pride that the Kansans in this area have. One of the toughest struggles she noted was trying to change the mindset that the educated leave the rural areas of Kansas. Other challenges included the difficulty/timing of funding and most of the preservation specialists are in Kansas City.
Christy shared a few tips to keep in mind on historical preservations:
• It’s ok to say “no” to people who come to your community – you can’t buy authenticity
• Historic preservation is a major investment that take time
• Decisions you make are multi-generational
• Keep it real and authentic to each community
• Make it right – quality is key
After lunch at the Hays House the KARL class was let loose on the downtown streets of Council Grove. Many took advantage of the many shopping choices: a few that the class patronized were the Wooden Spoon, Weathered Wood Home, and many antique shops. Nicky Tiffany also joined the group to give a tour of her project at the Territory Ballroom.
After the downtown tour the class met back at the Hays House to hear from a panel of new
business owners on main street:
• Frank Greco – Hays House
• Nicky Tiffany – Territory Ballroom
• Cami – Cami’s Cake Company
• Lindsay – Weathered Wood Home
• Jesse & Deidra Knight – Twin Lake Tees and Riverbank Brewing
All the owners have ties to the Council Grove/Flint Hills area. Some of the draws the panelists mentioned for coming home were family, being community minded, feeling of space and safety and a connection to the history of the Santa Fe Trail. The major advice given by the panel was to know your worth as a youthful person in your community and have a strong team that is cheering for your success.