KARL CAFÉ - Christina Boyd on the behavioral health crisis
Christina Boyd, LSCSW, LCAC, presents "It's OK to say we are not OK: Starting the conversation in rural Kansas."
Rural Kansas Mental Health Resources
Kansas Ag Stress Resources - https://www.kansasagstress.org/
Crisis Text Line - https://www.crisistextline.org/
Farm Stronger Together - https://www.fb.org/land/fsom
KFB Mental Health - https://www.kfb.org/article/mental-health-resources
Suicide Prevention Lifeline - https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
Farms.com Mental Health Resources - https://www.farms.com/mental-health-and-suicide-prevention-resources/kansas.aspx
Mental Health First Aid Training - https://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/